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Consumer rights focuses on protecting individuals against businesses with claims that relate to unfair and deceptive trade practices, illegal credit card collection attempts, home improvement fraud, violations of the landlord-tenant act, unfair debt collection practices, truth in lending, and other disputes under state and federal consumer protection laws.  My office provides competent legal counsel to consumers standing up to abuse by businesses concerned only with making a profit.


We also stand with clients against government agencies, helping with driver license suspensions, traffic accident judgments, Occupational Limited Licenses, and traffic tickets, as well as securing Unemployment Compensation. Services include:


A review of Consumer Credit cases includes a check for companies’ compliance with the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act and the Fair Credit Extension Uniformity Act. 



We review your action with those working on your home for their compliance with the Home Improvement Consumer Protection Act (HICPA), breach of contract, and unjust enrichment.



My office will evaluate all aspects of these cases, looking for compliance with the Consumer Protection Act and the Landlord and Tenant Act of 1951.



We will evaluate pre-foreclosure notices including those required by Act 6 and Act 91, and compliance with statutory requirements contained in Actions to Foreclose a Mortgage, Judgments in Mortgage Foreclosure, and Deficiency Judgments.



Traffic tickets and citations are more serious than you think.  Many result in points on your license, higher insurance costs, and suspension of your driver’s license.  Out of state drivers can have their home state license suspended as a result of a Pennsylvania violation.  My office has been successful at reducing charges, decreasing punishments, and having cases entirely dismissed.



My office makes every effort to have your suspended driver’s license restored and reinstated, or replaced with a work license (OLL) or limited license.  We work with PennDOT throughout Western Pennsylvania in correcting issues with your license. 



We will prepare you, develop the legal strategy, challenge the employer’s witnesses, and guide you through the questioning from your employer’s attorney.  Without a lawyer, you are basically told to “make your case” and must speak about the legal points, introduce evidence, make and defend objections, and avoid making any damaging statements.

© 2020 - Attorney Ryan A. Mergl - Mergl Law

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